In this experiment, I attempt to stop over-eating.
Why: After a 20 hour intermittent fast, I’m really hungry, over-order and try to finish everything. This caused me to eat more than needed. Will mediation after meal keep me at the best shape of my life? What is the minimum effective dose?
Summary: Success. Meditated for 3min after a meal stops me from over-eating. I get to keep fit, keep calm and keep my money.
Experiment log [July 21]
First day: Fasted for 24h. I feel energise and hungry. Brought steak. Hang out with friends and chat. Did not mediate. Did not overeat. Success.
2nd day: Feel composed and calm. Ate fish, salad and leek veggies while listening to a podcast. Didn’t finish the fish. Meditate for 2min via the Oura app. Feel it was a bit short. Attended a zoom meeting right after.
Did not overeat. Success.
72.0kg → 71.3kg
3rd day: Ate a big meal of fried Ashton while listening to podcast. feel full before mediation. Did 3 mins mediation in the cafe. Felt sleepy. And don’t want to eat more. Success.
4th day: Eat while listening to podcast. Felt full after. Mediate for 3mins. Feel tired. Doze off a couple of times. Did not eat more.
5th day: Feel hungry before a meal. After meal, feel full but not bloated. Meditate for 3min. Feel my heart racing. Deep breathing during meditation calms me down. Didn’t want to eat more.
6th day: Cheat day. No meditation.
7th day: Feel full before meditation. Mediate for 3mins. Relaxing. Didn’t want to eat more. Success.
8th day: Feel stress. Left office to take a walk to City Square, 20mins. Feel hungry before a meal. Still feel hungry after the meal. Meditate for 3mins. Feel full after. Success.
9th day: Feel hungry when buying food at Farrer park. Almost wanted to buy the fried chicken. Brought a Stuff’d salad instead and chatted with a friend on the way there and back. Feel full after the meal. Meditate for 3 mins. Didn’t want to eat more. Success.
10th day: Feel hungry right before a meal. First meal. So full after the meal. Meditate for 3mins. Didn’t want to eat further. Success.
11th day: Brought food from Sim Lim after meeting Yue Hong. Feel hungry. Ate. Feel full. Meditate for 3mins. Didn’t feel like eating more. Success.
12th day: Mildly full after meal. Meditate for 3mins. Didn’t feel like I need to eat more after. Success.