In this experiment, I wanted to find out if deleting social media apps increases focus time, without sacrificing friend connections.

Why: Busy busy busy, distracted by social media.

Summary: Deleted LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook App. Kept FB Messenger and Beeper.

Experiment log [Mar 25]

Day 1: I caught myself trying to click on the apps as I got bored.

Day 5: Got used to not using the apps. I accessed them on the web browser.

For texting, LinkedIn and IG messaging are supported on Beeper, hence I didn’t miss out much.

For calling, I can’t call one friend who exclusively uses IG for calling. I texted her instead.

Day 8: I didn’t feel I was missing out without the apps. The lag from the web browser offered up enough time for me to quit before doom scrolling.

For sending images, Beeper sends full image files which is not ideal, but okay.

Day 10: More time and attention. I couldn’t get back to friends as quickly as before, but none of my friends were expecting a quick response. If it’s time-sensitive, I send them my phone number.

However, I found myself doom-scrolling on YouTube. Perhaps, another experiment.

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