
At the young age of 60 years old, Betty Lee packed her bag, sealed away her belongings and embarked on the next chapter of her life – travelling solo for the next 400 days of her life!

Betty Lee is one of the oldest (youngest at heart) travellers that I’ve met during my travels. To be honest, I did not know she was 60 years old when we first met in Peru. It felt that we were just the same age with different life experiences. We shared some of our Peru adventures in the interview.


If you’ve only got 2 minutes, here’s a short video on (Self Defence Advice for Solo Female Travellers).



Click “continue reading” for the link and show notes…

Show Notes

The countries that Betty when around the world [03:00]
How Betty met Bryan in Peru [7:39]
Betty shares lesson leant from her solo-travel [9:05]
What’s in her backpack [10:00]
First backpacking trip that changed her life [12:55]
Bettu on her experience on a boat cruise at Antarctica [19:00]
What gave Betty the impetus to travel [23:45]
Betty Lee shares security tips for solo woman traveller [30:38]
Betty’s on her style of traveling [36:13]
How did travelling change Betty’s life perspective [40:55]
Betty relationshup with her daughter [48:09]
Betty on parenting [49:45]
Betty shares investment advice for the youth [53:30]
Betty shares advice of growing old beautifully [59:30]

Links Mentioned
Travel photos of Betty and Bryan 
Teva Scandals
Cruise in Antarctica 
Pergamon, Greece
Pocket underwear (mens, ladies)
Dollar cost averaging
Author, Donna Tartt
Dalai Lama

Thanks for listening!

And if you have any experience with anything we talked about, I’d love for you to open up in the comments.

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Special thanks to Betty. C’est la vie!

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