Many people believe the world is flat.

30 years ago, bread was at the bottom of the healthy food pyramid.

If you want to start a fight with your parents, say that bread is terrible for breakfast.

What’s been true is that human beings have emotions and feelings and stories. When we decide on something, we find more stories to support that belief.

It’s fine but we have to make sure our beliefs don’t hurt other people.

A civil society, that works for all of us, where you can have your feelings and stories.

The tradeoff is, there are certain things that we don’t do.

Because if we do them regardless, civil society won’t work. We slide back to shouting matches and nuclear countdown.

As grownups who are aware enough, we ought to be able to say, there’s a difference between our feelings and the way things are.

Where we get into trouble, is when we insist that the way things have to match our feelings and beliefs. And we always start with our feelings.

Yes, you’re entitled to your feelings.

Would you still want to be, if your feelings hurt this civil society that we’ve worked so hard to build?

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