Best organisations and retention

Funny how we say, human resource.

A resource, something that we try to acquire and hoard, as much as we can.

An industrialist wanting to maximise profit, create traps and incentive to retain his best employee. Save him the effort of looking for new people to hire.

Meanwhile, the Aesop’s, Patagonia’s, and Noma’s of the world, where people choose to be at work, constantly outperform any industry standard.

Zappos, an online shoe store, paid their employee $2,000 to quit. They were sold to Amazon for $1.2 billion.

If we ask ourselves, would you give your best effort, when we are forced to stay at a place we don’t want to?

Maybe what if, instead of treating humans as resources, we treat humans as humans?

Humans with families, goals and dreams.

Maybe just maybe, they will find out that, this is the organisation they want to stay for the long haul.

(Thanks Ryan, Liza, Mirtra, RJ, Olivia and Patty for the inspiration)

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