
These are personal, non-clinical non-scientific designed tests, observations and conclusions from my life. Because I believe that knowledge lies on the edges. 

June 12th, 2021

In this experiment, I attempt to find a way to take breaks from the computer screen by taking smoke breaks. At the same time, looking for ways to reduce the negative effect of smoking.

Result in a nutshell: If I want to smoke, I will roll my own tobacco instead of taking ready-made cigarettes.

July 17th, 2021

In this experiment, I attempt to stop over-eating by meditating after meals. Will mediation after meal keep me at the best shape of my life? What is the minimum effective dose?

Result in a nutshell: Success. Meditated for 3min after a meal stops me from over-eating. I get to keep fit, keep calm and keep my money.

Nov 4th, 2021

In this experiment, I attempt to find out if I can stop taking arthritis medication, Methotrexate.

Result in a nutshell: Success. Stopping Methotrexate didn’t worsen the condition. Most symptoms are predicable and caused by my action.

Experiment no. 4 — Cancel Spotify, makes music better? (In Progress)

Feb 1st, 2025

In this experiment, I attempt to find out if I would enjoy songs and music more. 

Result in a nutshell:

In this experiment, I wanted to find out the trade-off when I put my devices in Lockdown mode and Advance Data Protection.

Result in a nutshell: Keep Advance Data Protection, stop Lockdown Mode. 

Feb 24th, 2025

March 16th, 2025

In this experiment, I wanted to find out if deleting social media apps increases focus time, without sacrificing friend connections.

In a nutshell:  Remove LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook. Keep FB Messenger and Beeper.

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