Oh. You Know What I Mean

A shorthand that is worth paying more for.

Because if you know what you want for your logo – the right shape, the right colour, and the right fonts. It’s rather cheap to find someone who is good at photoshop.

Even better, if you can write the instructions in a manual, then you can find someone even cheaper.

Perhaps you don’t know what you want (yet). Then instead of saying go design a great logo and I will like it.

It is perhaps more truthful to say – I need someone to go on an exploration with me. Because what great means to you is something entirely different from what it means to your neighbours.

Acknowledge the human work and judgement to guess what you want. But also realise that after the tenth logo design – and he still has not got it. You might need to change a designer or really dig deep to figure out what you really want in the first place.

Because no one likes that French chef that tell us to add more love in the soup.


The photo was taken in a Shisha cafe in Gifu, Japan.

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