“You don’t want to do what they do, you want to see how they see”.
– Nate Green
Nate Green, is an author of multiple books, marketing strategist at Precision Nutrition and a recovering fitness junkie.
Nate barely graduated high school with 1.7 GPA. Despite all odds, he became one of the most sought after writers and strategists in the fitness industry.
He wrote one of the most popular blog post on Tim Ferriss’ blog, The Extreme Weight Cutting Secrets of UFC Fighters.
In this conversation, we spoke about:
When it’s time be alone
How to make celebrity friends
- 80/20 guide to be good at marketing
If you’ve only got 5 minutes, here’s a short video.
- Listen to the full interview on iTunes.
- Stream by clicking here.
- Download as an MP3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as.”
Links Mentioned
Connect with Nate Green:
Sam Harris interview Frank Ostaseski
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Precision Nutrition
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