Our relationship brings precious moments that hold our humanity but is also a place that causes endearing pain.
Caught in the middle of joy and pain, it’s hard to know if you should leave or stay. In these moments, it helps to get clarity with silence, inquiry and wisdom.
Seth Godin urges us to think about how will it fail.
Mathew Hussey’s 3 questions serve as the first line of inquiry
- Is the big flaw redeemed by a truly redeemable quality?
- Is it getting easier?
- What decision do I feel drawn to in my wisest moments?
A neutral third person such as a relationship coach or therapist can offer perspective and tease apart issues into manageable chucks.
Joy Hoffman generously created a virtual retreat for relationships for those that are entangled with work and kids and religion.
Jim Dethmer shares the difference between quitting and completing. Because unlearn lessons will follow you to the next relationship.
Conscious Uncoupling shows us that breaking up doesn’t need to ruin everything.
Here’s to nurturing and thriving relationships.