Experiment: Lockdown mode (iPhone and Mac)

In this experiment, I wanted to find out the trade-off when I put my devices in Lockdown mode and Advance Data Protection.

Why: With the rise of hacking, scams, and app tracking, I want to find out how much inconvenience there would be if I tightened things up.

Summary: Keep Advance Data Protection, stop Lockdown Mode.

Experiment log [Feb 25]

iPhone (mini 13): Apps launch faster with less lag. The battery lasts 10-20% longer.

Wifi didn’t connect auto-connect to weaker security networks and I can’t connect to open networks at the library or the airport. AirDrop did not work for people that I haven’t added to my contacts.

Live Photos are unavailable. iPhone auto-blocks (a friend) from calling through FaceTime

Macbook (air, m2): The emoji menu couldn’t load (Beeper, Notion). Similarly, Wi-Fi did not connect automatically, and it couldn’t connect to open networks.

Advance Data Protection didn’t seem to affect much of my daily usage.

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