Steph Smith  (@stephsmithio), 26 is the founder of Integral Labs where she works with top tech companies on scaling their products. 

After less than a year of learning to code (while having a full-time job), she has won the Golden Kitty award for inclusion, on Product Hunt. 

Steph writes a blog about remote work, women in tech and learning to code. 

These days when she is not at work, she is building Upread, a tool connecting indie publishers with their readers.

In this conversation, we spoke about:

  • Things women face in the tech industry
  • Steph’s transition from consulting to remote work
  • The ups and downs of remote work
  • and much more!

If you’ve only got 2 minutes, here’s a short video 

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It’s entirely possible to teach without doing or making mistakes. We memorise formulas, regurgitate recipes, and recite entire piano melodies.

Yet the lessons that we carry around today are the most painful ones.

It turns out that once we know the answer, we stop asking. We stop wondering about the colours, the materials, the process and the uses in a different situation. How does this relate to that?

Free-range teaching is the act of giving questions, to show possibilities and to sit with the tension of knowing the answers.

“If the cafe doesn’t succeed in 6 months, what will do about it?”
“What about the people who don’t read the instruction?”
“What are the pros and cons of grandma adopting crypto-currency?”

As we go about helping others level up, we have the option to decide if it is a lesson is worth understanding. If it’s worth the struggle before something clicks.

It might be convenient to give the answer but when a new complex problem shows up, then don’t expect someone to out-perform google.

The alternative is an inconvenient way of teaching, free-range.

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