2 things worth seeking out in a long-term partner (and friends too).

Engagement – are you more interested in your phone or connecting with this person?

Energy – after connecting with this person, do you feel more (or less) energized?

If relationships are made of interactions, this allows an upward cycle of positive contribution. An engine of renewal when 2 people come together.

Of course, attraction, self-awareness, growth, communication, kindness and integrity matter too.

But if we look carefully, what are all these traits in service of?

And for the big secret, who do you need to be, to be worthy of such a partner?

Is this art or engineering?

If you are building a bridge, you better be certain about the maximum load.

But if you are writing a song giving voice to a social movement. Or a speech to get under the skin and move people to action.

We can’t guarantee it’s going to work.

With good taste and practice, we might get close.

But expecting success at every turn, is a recipe for unhappiness. Or worse, we give up because it didn’t succeed.

The only thing promised when making art, is the opportunity to do work that matters for people who care.

Whether you’re a writer, therapist, coach or dancing at the edge of any field, you’re making art.

And the first step to a happier work life is to be clear on your act.

I’ve been thinking… friends are kind of a magical affair.

Someone who is always curious about what you have to say… turning turning and turning towards you (perhaps they are just as curious about the topics, depth and the way you think).

You call them up, when you are in need (and they do the same). They got your back and you got theirs.

Things that feel embarrassed to share, but you share anyways. Someone that you can be messy with.

They care about you… in a way that you want to be cared for.

Sometimes, in my busy world, I wonder who am I this person for?

Simon Sinek has done really cool work. But it’s been misused by cooperation all around the world.

A car dealership might buy Start with Why and declare “Our purpose is to allow people to flourish by giving them modes of transportation.”

No, it’s not. Your purpose is to make a profit going to work. Because if the dealership didn’t open, people would still have cars. (And that’s fine.)

Purpose shouldn’t be a clever excuse for justifying the thing you’re going to do anyway.

Purpose is emotional and fundamental.

A incongruent purpose weakens the foundation of trust and begins a downward spiral.

[From the excellent interview of Seth Godin and Michelle Florendo]

Of course, if you invested in real estate, Amazon or the Turnips way back then, you’ll be making bank.

The Crypto market is at an all-time low now, as of Jun 22. Would you invest?

Well, what about the risk, capital and insight required.

When we factor all that in, I’m not sure if it’s really a shortcut.

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